
Women’s Ministry
Women's Ministry in our church embodies a group of women who get together at least every two months to pray, support one another, listen to speakers, have brunches, support charities, do crafts, bible studies, and planning for special events and fellowship.
A major project of support of the ministry is the yearly Ladies Tea.
Through God's guidance and group prayer they have been successful in their endeavors.
​The Ladies started up a new bilble study in September on Tuesdays at 10:00am by Max Lucado "The Applause of Heaven". In The Applause of Heaven, Max Lucado believes that the Beatitudes provide what we need to discover the joy of God. Much more than a how-to book on happiness. The Applause of Heaven is an encounter with the Source of Joy.
It comes from God and it is within your reach … The Applause of Heaven is about
a joy that can’t be quenched? A peace that can’t be broken? A happiness that can’t be threatened? And Max Lucado, in this classic exploration of enduring joy, shows you how this familiar but revolutionary prescription for living can bless your life beyond your wildest imagining.
Contact Liz Jonker | Tel: cell 204-754-0021

Faith Bible Camp
We support Faith Bible Camp (FBC). FBC creates lasting camp memories through fun and meaningful activities within God’s beautiful creation along the eastern shores near Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba. They provide a beautiful facility in the perfect summer setting for campers to enjoy their experience among friends and caring, committed staff.
Twice daily, campers enjoy singing, engaging in Memory Verse activities, and listening to lively Bible teachings. During chapel, age-appropriate messages of Jesus Christ are presented. The rest of the day, campers participate in outdoor physical activities, games, and arts and crafts with plenty of opportunities for free play and forming friendships:
Ball hockey
Group games
Gaga ball
Arts and crafts
Special events & activities
To find out what programs are offered this year click here.

Overcomers Outreach
Overcomers Outreach, a Christ-centered 12-step recovery program, for individuals and families within the churches who were wrestling with chemical dependency and similar addictive problems is offered at 3 PM Wednesdays.
If interested, to know more
Contact Ken Sundelin | Cell:1.855.849.9947

Music Ministry
Interested in taking part in the music ministry of the church whether playing an instrument or singing then
Contact Dave Jonker
Cell: 204-754-0022

Sunday School
Classes are available for children 5 to 13 during the sermon on Sunday September to end of June.
For July and August we will be offering Children's Church during the sermon part of the service.

Bible Studies
Wayside has presently three active Bible Studies. There is a Ladies Bible Study which started up again September 24th 2024 is every Tuesday from then on at 10:00am in Wayside's fireside room unless otherwise posted. See Women's Ministry ministry section for more information.
The other study open to all who are interested is on Wednesday in the church at 1:00pm.
The newest study being offered is an evening one located at the home of Dave Jonker 70 Leon Drive at 7pm every Tuesday
see calendar to see dates